Unified Field Theory for the Engineer and the Applied Scientist

Unified Field Theory for the Engineer and the Applied Scientist

Fester Einband
Physik & Astronomie
Larry Silverberg
1. Auflage
Anzahl Seiten:

Die Felddynamik war bislang nur theoretischen Physikern und Differentialgeometrikern zugänglich. Der Autor stellt dieses Teilgebiet der Physik in einer für Ingenieure und einer breiteren Leserschaft zugänglichen und verständlichen Form dar.

Der Autor bereitet die Felddynamik so auf, dass Interessenten aus den Ingenieur- und angewandten Naturwissenschaften die Ansätze und Verfahren nicht nur verstehen, sondern auch anwenden können. Die Umsetzung des Stoffs kann an vierzig Aufgaben geübt werden; für Dozenten stehen die Lösungswege auf dem Webserver von Wiley-VCH kostenlos zur Verfügung.

Larry Silverberg received his PhD in engineering mechanics from Virginia Polytechnic Institute in 1983. In 1995 he was awarded a professorship in mechanical and aerospace engineering at North Carolina State University, a post he still holds today. He is the author of some 50 journal articles, a mechanics book, and teaches classes on field theory to students in engineering and the applied sciences. Professor Silverberg's primary research interests lie in field theory and dynamical systems.Larry Silverberg received his PhD in engineering mechanics from the Virginia Polytechnic Institute in 1983 and in 1995 was awarded a professorship in mechanical and aerospace engineering at North Carolina State University, a post he still holds today. He is the author of some 50 articles and one book, and has developed two graduate courses, teaching classes on field dynamics to students in engineering and the applied sciences. Professor Silverberg's primary research interests currently lie in field dynamics and the control of dynamical systems.

The term field dynamics refers to the branch of physics that deals with objects and phenomena large enough to be measured and observed and is developed from four-dimensional geometry. Research that was once a major interest within theoretical physics has since passed to differential geometry, where it now has a strong mathematical foundation in hyper-dimensional field theories. In this unique monograph the experienced author, Professor Silverberg, illustrates that modern field theory is an equally valuable tool for engineers and applied scientists when the unsolved problems become increasingly cross disciplinary. From the contents: * 4D Space * Relativity * Energy * Change * Governing Equations * Waves * Particles * Electrodynamics * Mechanics * Essay: An Evolving Science Features 40 end-of-chapter problems -- with solutions free to lecturers.

* Unified Field Theory made accessible to the engineer and the applied scientist * improves interdisciplinary problem-solving in engineering and applied science * features 63 end-of-chapter-problems - solutions to problems in the back of the book Preface IX 1 4D Space 2 Relativity 3 Energy 4 Change 5 Governing Equations 6 Waves 7 Particles 8 Electrodynamics 9 Mechanics 10 Essay: An Evolving Science Appendix A: Integral Theorems Appendix B: Principles

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