Satellite Geodesy

Satellite Geodesy

Fester Einband
Foundations, Methods, and Applications
Günter Seeber
De Gruyter
2nd compl. revidierte and extend. ed
Anzahl Seiten:

This book covers the entire field of satellite geodesy and is intended to serve as a textbook for advanced undergraduate and graduate students, as well as a reference for professionals and scientists in the fields of engineering and geosciences such as geodesy, surveying engineering, geomatics, geography, navigation, geophysics and oceanography. The text provides a systematic overview of fundamentals including reference systems, time, signal propagation and satellite orbits, together with observation methods such as satellite laser ranging, satellite altimetry, gravity field missions, very long baseline interferometry, Doppler techniques, and Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS). Particular emphasis is given to positioning techniques, such as the NAVSTAR Global Positioning System (GPS), and to applications. Numerous examples are included which refer to recent results in the fields of global and regional control networks; gravity field modeling; Earth rotation and global reference frames; crustal motion monitoring; cadastral and engineering surveying; geoinformation systems; land, air, and marine navigation; marine and glacial geodesy; and photogrammetry and remote sensing. This book will be an indispensable source of information for all concerned with satellite geodesy and its applications, in particular for spatial referencing, geoinformation, navigation, geodynamics, and operational positioning.

"Als anspruchsvolles Lehrbuch und auch als wissenschaftliches Nachschlagwerk kann es allen Lernenden und Lehrenden der Geodäsie und der übrigen Geowisschenschaftensowie allen Anwendern, die "nur" einen Überblick über die aktuellen Entwicklungen gewinnen möchten, bestens empfohlen werden."
Peter Mesenburg in: Kartographische Nachrichten 1/2006 "Ein exzellentes Lehrbuch für das Fach Satellitengeodäsie."
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Alfred Kleusberg "The new edition of Günter Seeber's book will be a welcome addition to the libraries of both students and researchers in the field of navigation, geodesy, and geomatics. It is the only monograph which so completely covers the whole field of space geodesy."
Richard Langley, Canspace "Das Werk ist modern aufgebaut, gut zu lesen und weist die Handschrift eines erfahrenen Hochschullehrers und Wissenschaftlers auf. Es ist der Fachwelt wärmstens zu empfehlen."
Lothar Stange in: Photogrammetrie Fernerkundung Geoinformation 6/2003 "Dieses Buch spricht Studierende, Praktiker und Interessierte aus Nachbardisziplinen wegen seines umfassend und didaktisch bestens aufbereiteten Inhalts in gleicher Weise an und kann allen zur Anschaffung wärmstens empfohlen werden. Es sollte in keiner Fachbibliothek fehlen."
Bertold Witte in: Flächenmanagement und Bodenordnung 1/2004 "Das Buch kombiniert in perfekter Weise Theorie und Praxis, Rechenmodell und Boden- bzw. Raumsegment."
Reiner Rummel in: Mitteilungen des DVW-Bayern 4/2004 "Die Neuauflage hat dem Buch, das schon immer seinen Platz auf dem Weltmarkt hatte, ganz entscheidend zur Steigerung der Bedeutung verholfen."
E. Groten in: Allgemeine Vermessungsnachrichten 3/2004

Introduction · Subject of Satellite Geodesy · Classification and Basic Concepts of Satellite Geodesy · Historical Development of Satellite Geodesy · Applications of Satellite Geodesy · Structure and Objective of the Book Fundamentals · Reference Coordinate Systems · Time · Signal Propagation Satellite Orbital Motion · Fundamentals of Celestial Mechanics, Two-Body Problem · Perturbed Satellite Motion · Orbit Determination · Satellite Orbits and Constellations Basic Observation Concepts and Satellites Used in Geodesy · Satellite Geodesy as a Parameter Estimation Problem · Observables and Basic Concepts · Satellites Used in Geodesy · Some Early Observation Techniques (Classical Methods) Optical Methods for the Determination of Directions ·Photographic Determination of Directions · Directions with CCD Technology · Directions from Space Platforms Doppler Techniques ·Doppler Effect and Basic Positioning Concept ·One Successful Example: The Navy Navigation Satellite System · Doppler Receivers · Error Budget and Corrections · Observation Strategies and Adjustment Models · Applications · DORIS The Global Positioning System (GPS) · Fundamentals · GPS Receivers (User Segment) · GPS Observables and Data Processing · Error Budget and Corrections · Differential GPS and Permanent Reference Networks · Applications · GNSS · Global Navigation Satellite System · Services and Organizations Related to GPS Laser Ranging · Introduction · Satellites Equipped with Laser Reflectors · Laser Ranging Systems and Components · Corrections, Data Processing and Accuracy · Applications of Satellite Laser Ranging · Lunar Laser Ranging · Spaceborne Laser Satellite Altimetry · Basic Concept · Satellites and Missions · Measurements, Corrections, Accuracy · Determination of the Mean Sea Surface · Applications of Satellite Altimetry Gravity Field Missions · Basic Considerations · Satellite-to-Satellite Tracking (SST) · Satellite Gravity Gradiometry Related Space Techniques ·Very Long Baseline Interferometry ·Interferometric SyntheticAperture Radar (InSAR) Overview and Applications · Positioning · Gravity Field and Earth Models · Navigation and Marine Geodesy · Geodynamics · Combination of Geodetic Space Techniques References · Index sucht jetzt für Sie die besten Angebote ...


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