Business Process Modelling with ARIS

Business Process Modelling with ARIS

Kartonierter Einband
A Practical Guide
Rob Davis
Springer London
Anzahl Seiten:

1994 marks the year that the international version of ARlS Toolset - a software system capable of analysing, modelling and navigating business processes - was developed and released by the software and consulting company IDS Prof. Scheer GmbH in Saarbriicken, Germany (from 1999 known as IDS Scheer AG). By the end of 2000 an estimated 24,000 copies of this product will have been sold and installed worldwide, with many additional copies supplied to universities for teaching and research projects. The system's connectivity to existing integrated standard software products, such as System Rl3 and by SAP AG, is another factor that is expected to contribute to its fast disseminahon worldwide. The development of ARlS Toolset evolved from results which were obtained at the research institute "Institut ftir Wirtschaftsinformatik" (German for "Institute for Business Process Engineering"). The Institute has a staff of about 50 people and is based at the University of the Saarland. The history of ARlS Toolset is interesting because it demonstrates the benefits provided by a closely-knit mesh of research and product development. Creating such a mesh was only possible by founding IDS Scheer AG in parallel with acting as head of the research institute. Today, this software and consulting firm has a staff of more than 1600 people.

A practical ow-to'guide to use ARIS, and how to use it to create real business models Written by someone with practical experience of using ARIS on real projects and implementing common tools and standards in a large organisation Contains tips, techniques and short cuts learned from practical experience

Rob Davis begann 1989 damit, Comics zu veröffentlichen. Außerdem arbeitete er als Illustrator und Cartoonist für Zeitungen und Kinderbuchverlage.

Introduction to Business Modelling.- Introducing ARIS.- Getting Started.- Introducing ARIS Explorer.- Introducing ARIS Designer.- ARIS Attributes and ARIS Properties.- The Event -Driven Process Chain.- Function Allocations and Relationships.- Model Assignments and the Function Allocation Diagram.- Process Capture and Design with ARIS.- Modelling Structure.- Model Hierarchy and Model Generation.- Occurrences, Copies and Variants.- Modelling Variety: Variants in Hierarchical Modelling.- Modelling in Rows and Columns.- ARIS Explorer Revisited.- ARIS Designer Revisited.- Model Verification.- ARIS Administration.- ARIS Modelling Standards.- Appendix A: ARIS Options.- Appendix B: Function Keys and Shortcuts.- Glossary.- References.- Index. sucht jetzt für Sie die besten Angebote ...


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