Paradise Postponed

Paradise Postponed

Fester Einband
Johann Heinrich Alsted and the Birth of Calvinist Millenarianism
H. Hotson
Springer Netherlands
Anzahl Seiten:

l. i ALSTED, MEDE ANDTHE BIRTH OFCALVINIST MILLENARIANISM In the past thirty to forty years, the spread and influence of millenarianism within the Protestant world has been traced from the Reformation to the present day by dozens of scholarly studies. ' Medieval historians have lo- ted echoes in the modem world ofeschatological innovations deriving from 2 their period, above all those originating with Joachim of Fiore. Social and political historians, attracted especially by the function of millenarianism as a proto-revolutionary ideology, have focused on its influences at times of acute political crisis. ' Intellectual historians have also noted its role in of- I Two recent guides to this literature are Ted Daniels, M illen nia lis m : a n Int erna ti onal Bibli o g raph y (New York, 1992); John 1. Collins, Bernard McGinn and Stephen J. Stein (eds. ), Th e E ncy clo pe di a o f A p oca lyp t icis m (3 vols. , New York, 1998). 2 Notably MarjorieReeves, Th e Influ en c e of Proph e c y in th e Lat er Middl e Ages : a Study in J o a chimi sm (Oxford, 1969; repr. Notre Dame, 1993); Delno C. West (ed.

This text provides a detailed case study of the origins of millenarianism within the vast opera of one of its earliest and most influential Calvinist exponents: the Herborn encyclopaedist Johann Heinrich Alsted (1588-1638).

1. Introduction.- One. Speculum mundi, sive harmonia trium voluminum: the hermetic pre-history of Alsted's millenarianism, 161024.- 2. Volumen historicum seu experimentalis: encyclopedic chronology.- 3. Volumen coelestis sive astrologicum: astrological history.- 4. Volumen biblicus seu propheticus: prophetic numerology.- Two. Diatribe de mille annis apocalypticis: the origins of Alsted's millenarianism, 161927.- 5. The Thirty Years War and Alsted's eschatological crisis, 161925.- 6. The sources of the Diatribe de mille annis apocalypticis.- 7. Conclusions.- i. Johannes Piscator, 'Meditatio de mille annis quorum fit mentio Apoc. 20 v. 2 quarum fit mentio apoc. 20. v. 2, et deinque nee non de resurrectione prima cujus fit mentio v. 5. et 6.',.- ii. Christoph Besold, 'De Hebraeorum ad Christum salvatorem nostrum conversione conjectanea',.- Select Bibliography. sucht jetzt für Sie die besten Angebote ...


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