Core Lego Mindstorms Programming

Core Lego Mindstorms Programming

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Unleash the Power of the Java Platform. An Unofficial Guide to Programming the RCX Programmable Brick
Brian Bagnall
Pearson Academic
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LEGO Mindstorms robots can do more than you ever imagined! The secret: go beyond the built-in tools, and leverage the full power of Java -- the world's hottest programming language. Core LEGO Mindstorms shows you how, step-by-step -- as you build sophisticated robots and custom sensors that will amaze you. No matter what version of LEGO Mindstorms you own -- 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, even the USB version -- this book will take you farther than ever before. Brian Bagnall guides you through installing leJOS, a full-fledged Java Virtual Machine for the programmable RCX "brick" that gives LEGO robots their intelligence. Next, you'll master each key programming task step-by-step, with practical examples and photographs. You'll master behavior control programming , a simple but brilliant concept developed at MIT. Then, working from beautifully rendered 3-D plans, you'll walk through constructing five unique robots, each capable of increasingly powerful navigation. In later chapters, you'll walk through building and programming powerful custom sensors, including proximity sensors -- and even the "Holy Grail" of navigation sensors: the compass sensor. Bagnall concludes by introducing several powerful new techniques for advanced programmers.

BRIAN BAGNALL is a Sun Certified Java Programmer and Developer and co-author of the Sun Certified Programmer for Java 2 Study Guide. He is a key programmer of leJOS, a Java SDK for Lego Mindstorms. Bagnall also develops distributed processing solutions for businesses with supercomputing requirements and has worked for IBM and other leading computer companies.

This is the one and only book on programming LEGO Mindstorms with Java. It's fully compatible withthe LEGO Mindstorms Robotics Invention System 1.0, 1.5 and 2.0 including USB. Provides complete 3-D plans to build five unique robots (one even shows you how to solve the Rubix Cube).




Enter MINDSTORMS. The Robotics Invention System. RCX Brick. IR Tower. Motors. Sensors. LEGO Parts. Building Tippy. The RIS CD Software. The World of MINDSTORMS. ROBOLAB(tm). LogIT Sensors. Technic. Robotics Discovery Set. Vision Command. RIS Expansion Sets. Code Pilot. Droid Developer Kit. Dark Side Developer Kit. CyberMaster. Ultimate Accessory Kit. Ultimate Builders Set.

2. Getting Started with leJOS.
leJOS Overview. JVM. RCX Platform Extensions. Java API. Robotics Programming. Installing leJOS. Windows 98/Windows Me. Windows NT/Windows 2000. Linux. Macintosh OSX. Testing leJOS. Creating and Running a Program. Uploading More Than One Program. Setting Up an IDE. JCreator (Windows Platforms). How leJOS “Stacks Up”. NQC. PbFORTH. LegOS. Visual Basic. leJOS vs. TinyVM.

3. Learn Java in 2.4 Hours!
Java Core Language. OOP. Source Files. Classes. Interfaces. Import and Package Statements. Methods. Overloading Methods. Fields and Variables. Naming Rules. Operators. Program Flow Control. The java.lang Package. Math. Object. Runtime. String. StringBuffer. System. Threads. Throwable. java.util. BitSet. Hashtable. Random. Vector.

josx.platform.rcx. Button. LCD. MinLCD. Motor. ROM. Sensor. Serial. Sound. MinSound. TextLCD. The josx.util Package. Timer. josx.robotics. and josx.platform.rcx.comm..

5. LEGO 101.
RIS Parts Library. Bricks. Classic LEGO Bricks. Technic Beams. Specialized Bricks. Slope Bricks. Plates Overview. Rectangular Plates. Plates Overview. Specialty Plates. Pins. Tires, Wheel Hubs, and Treads. Axles. Axle Accessories. Gears. Pulleys. Pulley Drive Belts. Lift Arms. Other Parts. Common LEGO Structures. Chassis. Caster Wheels. Ratchets. Single Motor Navigation. Walking Mechanism. Building Philosophy 101.

6. Behavior Control.
Behavior Control Theory. Programming Behavior with leJOS. The Behavior API. Advanced Behavior Coding. Coding Foolproof takeControl() Methods. Coding Solid action() and suppress() Methods.

7. Navigation.
Understanding the Problem of Navigation. Navigation Theory. Trigonometry. Using the Navigator API. Creating a Navigator Robot. Building the Trilobot. Programming Trilobot. TimingNavigator Accuracy. Systematic Errors. Nonsystematic Errors. Summary.

8. Navigation with Rotation Sensors.
Understanding Rotation Sensors. Trailer Odometer. Handheld Odometer. On-Axle Odometers. Off-Axle Odometers. Angle Measurement. Using the RotationNavigator Class. Creating a Navigator Robot. Building Instructions. Programming Tippy Senior. RotationNavigator Accuracy. Systematic Errors. Nonsystematic Errors.

9. Proximity Detection.
Creating a Simple Proximity Sensor. Programming the Sensor. Reliability. Creating a Distance Sensor. The Sharp GP2D12 Sensor. A Primer in Electronics. Building the Distance Sensor. Permanent Assembly. Enclosing the Circuit. Programming the Proximity Sensor Driver. A Wall Follower.

10. Navigation with a Compass Sensor.
The Compass Sensor. Theory of Calculating Direction. Building the Compass Interface. Tools. Circuit Assembly. Testing the Circuit. Programming the Compass Class. Calibration. Compass Driver. Programming CompassNavigator. A Robot Using the Compass. Chassis. Compass Basket. Front Bumper. Final Assembly. Compass Accuracy.

11. RCX Communications.
The Communications API. InputStream. DataInputStream. DataOutputStream. DataPort. PCDataPort. RCXDataPort. Installation. IDE Setup. Uploading Map Data. Controlling the RCX Through a Network. Controlling the RCX from a Web Page. Installing a Web Server. A Simple Project. Alternate Data Transfer Methods. Alternate Communication Uses.

12. Advanced leJOS Topics.
Memory Issues. Monitoring Memory Use. Programming Efficient Code. Hacking leJOS to Save Memory. Performance Tips. Alternate Languages for the JVM. Using NetRexx on the RCX. leJOS Architecture Overview. The Firmware. The API. The Linker. Modifying and Recompiling the Firmware. Adding Native Methods. Portability of leJOS.

Appendix A. Parts and Kits.
LEGO Shop At Home. Pitsco LEGO Dacta. LogIT Sensors. Mindsensors.

Appendix B. Electronics Projects.
Electronics Sources. Europe. North America. International. Distance Sensor Parts. Europe. North America. Compass Sensor Parts. Europe. North America. Compass Sensor Circuit Building. Experimentor Board. Punchboard. Etched PC Board.

Appendix C. Utilities.
leJOS Binaries. lejosc.exe. lejos.exe. lejosfirmdl.exe. lejosrun.exe. emu-lejos.exe. emu-lejosrun.exe. lejosp.exe. lejosp1.exe. lejosc1.exe. emu-dump.exe. leJOS Utilities. RCX Direct-Mode. RCX Download. Bricks Music Studio. Text to LCD Display. leJOS Visual Interface. LEGO Utilities. Ldraw. MLCAD. L3P. LEO Cad.

Appendix D. Internet Resources.
leJOS Resources. leJOS Home Page. leJOS Project Development Home Page. Java Resources. Sun's Official Java Site. LEGO Resources. LEGO Users Group (LUGNet). RCX Resources. RCX Internals. Analysis of the RCX. Sensors and Actuators. Distance Sensor. Compass Sensor. Homebrew RCX Sensors. Resistor Color Bands. RCX Projects. Rubik's Cube Solver (and More). LEGO Robotics Network. Robot Navigation. Mobile Robot Positioning. Dead Reckoning Contest. Other Hardware. Tower Hobbies. Draganfly.

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