Vibhishana (Epic Characters of Ramayana)

Vibhishana (Epic Characters of Ramayana)

E-Book (EPUB)
Science-Fiction & Fantasy
Smt. T. N. Saraswati
Bharatha Samskruthi Prakashana

Vibhishana was Ravana's youngest brother, endowed with great learning and very unlike his brothers and sister. In spite of being born in the rakshasa clan, he stood by dharma and Brahma granted him immortality and the ability to wield the brahmastra. He married Shaileesha's daughter Sarama. Observing that Ravana's evil ways were only growing, he tried his best to put some sense into him. Being a clever statesman, he warded off Ravana's attempt to kill Hanuman who had come as Rama's messenger. Later when Hanuman went about burning Lanka, it was Sita and Vibhishana who remained unhurt. Vibhishana again requested Ravana to return Sita to SriRama and make peace with him. When nothing could change Ravana's mind, he gave up everything including his wife and children and left Lanka. He pledged himself in support of Sri Rama. Everyone in Rama's army doubted his intentions but it was Hanuman who rightly advised Rama to take in Vibhishana as he believed that his intentions were genuine. He helped Rama with constructive suggestions, gave him timely advice and warning, and was able to recognize Ravana's spies who had mingled with the vanaras. He invited Indrajit's wrath when the latter saw him guiding Lakshmana. In the end, when Ravana lay dead on the battlefield, Vibhishana was overcome with grief. He was torn between his duty in performing his brother's last rites and denying it on the grounds that Ravana had indulged in sinful acts. It was Rama who convinced him to go ahead with it in order to send his brother to heaven. Sri Rama then asked Lakshmana to crown Vibhishana king of Lanka. sucht jetzt für Sie die besten Angebote ...


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