

Fester Einband
Manfred Velden
V & R Unipress GmbH
1. Aufl. 13.02.2007
Anzahl Seiten:

The book Psychosomatics deals with the influence of psychiatric strain (stress, conflict, traumata) on bodily disorders. The different opinions on the effects of such influences are very diverse. Some ground their views on scientific opinions which seem rather speculative, irrational and esoteric. Aim of this book is to provide a scientific profound term of how the psyche can effect the body. The author tries to explain psychological processes that begin with bodily problems triggered by psychiatric strain and lead to dysfunctions. Such problems are hardly known, not even to people with psychosomatic disorders. The author's target is to make a comprehensive description of such developments. Only this way a rational understanding of the development of such disorders is possible and can supplement scientific facts. Methods of psychological intervention in cases of psychosomatic disorders are only dealt with peripherally.

Prof. Dr. Manfred Velden studierte Psychologie an den Universitäten Bonn und Berkley (University of California). Als Professor an den Universitäten Mainz, Berlin (TU) und Osnabrück vertrat er die Fächer Wahrnehmungspsychologie, Biologische Psychologie und Psychosomatik.

The book "Psychosomatics" deals with the influence of psychiatric strain (stress, conflict, traumata) on bodily disorders. The different opinions on the effects of such influences are very diverse. Some ground their views on scientific opinions which seem rather speculative, irrational and esoteric. Aim of this book is to provide a scientific profound term of how the psyche can effect the body. The author tries to explain psychological processes that begin with bodily problems triggered by psychiatric strain and lead to dysfunctions. Such problems are hardly known, not even to people with psychosomatic disorders. The author's target is to make a comprehensive description of such developments. Only this way a rational understanding of the development of such disorders is possible and can supplement scientific facts. Methods of psychological intervention in cases of psychosomatic disorders are only dealt with peripherally.

Psychosomatics deals with the effects of psychological processes, mostly some kind of psychological stress, on bodily diseases in terms of causation, codetermination, and progression.Many irrational and obscure ideas exist about how such effects may be exerted. The book tries to convey a scientifically based, i.e. rational conception of the ways psychological processes may lead to bodily diseases by trying to identify the single biological steps im- plied. After a short history of the field up to its final incorporation into the medical sciences the psychoanalytical approach and its more recent contender, behavioral medicine, are portrayed. The list of psychosomatic diseases dealt with in the book includes Coronary Disease, Gastrointestinal Disorders, Bronchial Asthma, Eating Disorders, Pain Symptoms, and Sleep Disorders. The book concludes with a list of possible mechanisms by which psychological causes may contribute to bodily diseases and an analysis of the logic and relevance of the so-called placebo response, the most common psychological effect alleviating bodily malfunctions. sucht jetzt für Sie die besten Angebote ...


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