Empire and Neoliberalism in Asia

Empire and Neoliberalism in Asia

E-Book (pdf)
Taylor & Francis
Anzahl Seiten:

This book analyzes the overall effect of American primacy on social and political conflicts in Asia, discussing how the post-Cold War American agenda does not promote democratization in the region, in contradiction to one of the major proclaimed aims of the proponents of the Pax Americana. This team of renowned scholars argue that the US agenda can strengthen anti-democratic impulses in Asian societies, exacerbating and complicating existing domestic conflicts and struggles. Empire and Neoliberalism in Asia also examines how the requirements of the War on Terror intersect with, and reinforce, those of transnationalized sections of American capital.
Drawing on country case studies, this multidisciplinary book looks at the ramifications of the American Empire for the Asian region and will appeal to anyone interested in Asian politics, international relations, political economy, development studies and sociology.

Vedi Hadiz is Associate Professor at the Department of Sociology, National University of Singapore. His books include Workers and the State in New Order Indonesia (London, Routledge, 1997); Reorganising Power in Indonesia: The Politics of Oligarchy in an Age of Markets (co-author, London, RoutledgeCurzon 2004); The Politics of Economic Development in Indonesia: Contending Perspectives (co-editor, London, Routledge, 1997); and Indonesian Politics and Society: A Reader (co-editor, London, RoutledgeCurzon, 2003).

1. Empire, Neo-liberalism, and Asia: An Introduction Vedi Hadiz Part 1: Theoretical Issues and the International Context 2. The Pole and the Triangle: US Power and the Triangle of Americas, Asia and Europe Goran Therborn 3. Beyond 'New Imperialism': Neo-liberalism, Securitisation and the New Transnational Regulatory Governance Kanishka Jayasuriya 4. The Reordering of the Pax Americana: How Does Southeast Asia Fit In? Richard Robison 5. The Rise of the 'Neocons' and American Foreign Policy Mark Beeson 6. International Conflicts and Asia at the End of the Fossil Energy Regime Elmar Altvater Part 2: Asia: Social Conflict, Power, and American Empire 7. Neo-Liberal Globalization, Conflict and Security: New Life for Authoritarianism in Asia? Garry Rodan and Kevin Hewison 8. Indonesia: Order and Terror in a Time of Empire Vedi Hadiz 9.Islamic Opposition in Malaysia: Political Idiom, Moral Economy and Religious Governance Khoo Boo Teik 10. The US Empire and the Southern Philippines Periphery: An Aberrant Case? Patricio Abinales 11. Fostering "Authoritarian Democracy" with Violence: The Effect of Violent Solutions in Southern Thailand Chaiwat Satha-Anand 12. China's Response to American Neoconservatism Empire Zhiyuan Cui 13. The Post Cold War World Order and Domestic Conflict in South Korea: Neo-liberal and Armed Globalization Sonn Hochul 14. The USA, China, and Identity Politics in Taiwan Lee Wen Chih and Yang Der-Ruey 15. US Imperialism and Bengali Nationalism Habibul Khondker 16. Hindu Fundamentalist Politics in India: the Alliance with the US Empire in South Asia Anand Teltumbde

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