Sahih Muslim (Volume 1)

Sahih Muslim (Volume 1)

Fester Einband
With the Full Commentary by Imam Nawawi
Religion & Theologie
Imam Abul-Husain Muslim
Ingram Publishers Services
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Publicize to religious/Muslim interest publications, online and in print Seek reviews from major Muslim academics, scholars and community leaders Giveaways on LibraryThing and Goodreads Numerous prepublication reviews will be sought from Kube's direct consumers Reviews sought in trade magazines, particularly Publishers Weekly Social Media campaign Ebook will be published simultaneously with the print edition Featured blog by the commentary author on the Kube site

Imam Muslim (261CE/875AH) was born in Iran and is known as an Islamic scholar and one of the chief authorities on the Hadith, accounts of the sayings and deeds of the Prophet Muhammad.

The first volume in a new translation of of Sahih Muslim, the second most authentic collection of Prophetic traditions, with Imam Nawawi's commentary.

The first volume in a new translation of of Sahih Muslim, the second most authentic collection of Prophetic traditions, with Imam Nawawi's commentary.

Translator's Introduction
Introduction by Imam al-Nawawi: Hadith Methodology
Chapter 1: Reporting Must be from Reliable Transmitters; Warnings Against False Attribution to God’s Messenger peace be upon him)
Chapter 2: The Seriousness of Attributing a False Statements to God’s Messenger (peace be upon him)
Chapter 3: The Prohibition of Relating Everything One Hears
Chapter 4: The Prohibition of Reporting from People who are Suspect and the Need to be Cautious when Learning such Reports
Chapter 5: True Transmission is a Part of Religion; Reporting is Acceptable only from Reliable People; Fair Criticism of Reporters is Permissible and a Duty in Defence of the Divine Law
Chapter 6: Exposing the Flaws of Hadith Reporters
Chapter 7: The Validity of Reporters’ Views of other Reporters
Chapter 8: The Validity of an Unspecified hadith as Evidence
Chapter 1: Explanation of Iman, Islam and Ihsan; The Requirement of Believing in God’s Decree; Evidence of Dissociation from those Who do not Believe in the Divine Decree and Confronting them Squarely
Chapter 2: What is iman? An Outline of its Characteristics
Chapter 3: Prayer: A Pillar of Islam
Chapter 4: Enquiring about the Pillars of Islam
Chapter 5: Explanation of iman that Ensures Admittance into Heaven and that Whoever Fulfils what they are Commanded will be in Heaven
Chapter 6: Defining the Pillars of Islam and its Great Essentials
Chapter 7: The Command to Believe in God and His Messenger and Islamic Fundamentals; Advocacy of Religion; Enquiring about it; Maintaining it and Delivering its Message to Whoever is Unaware of it
Chapter 8: Calling on People to Say the Declaration and to Implement Islamic Teachings
Chapter 9: The Command to Fight People unless they Say ‘There is No Deity other than God, Muhammad is God’s Messenger’, Attend Regularly to Prayer, Pay Zakat and Believe in all that is Stated by the Prophet (peace be upon him).
Chapter 10: Evidence of the Validity of the Acceptance of Islam by One Who is about to Die, as Long as He is Not in the Throes of Death; The Abrogation of the Permissibility to Pray for Forgiveness for Idolaters; Evidence that those Who Die Idolaters will be in Hell, and Nothing can Save Them
Chapter 11: Evidence Confirming that Whoever Dies Believing in God’s Oneness will Certainly Enter Heaven
Chapter 12: Whoever Accepts that God is his Lord, Islam is his Faith and Muhammad (peace be upon him) is God’s Messenger is a Believer, Even Though he may Commit Major Sins
Chapter 13: The Number of the Branches of Faith; the Best of these and the Lowest in Rank. The Virtue of Modesty and that it is Part of Faith
Chapter 14: The Full Description of Islam
Chapter 15: Grades of Islam and Which of its Teachings are Best
Chapter 16: Certain Qualities Ensure Experiencing the Sweetness of Faith
Chapter 17: The Duty of Loving the Prophet More than One’s Family, Children, Parents and all Mankind; Whoever does not Love him so is Not a Believer
Chapter 18: A Characteristic of Faith is to Love for One’s Muslim Brother all the Good one Loves for Oneself
Chapter 19: The Prohibition of Causing Harm to Neighbours
Chapter 20: Urging Kindness to Neighbours and Guests; Saying Only What is Good as all this is Part of Faith sucht jetzt für Sie die besten Angebote ...


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