Truth on Trial in Thailand

Truth on Trial in Thailand

Kartonierter Einband
Defamation, Treason, and Lse-Majest
David Streckfuss
CRC Press
Anzahl Seiten:

Zusatztext "This big! brave and important book argues that defamation laws are the cornerstone of Thailand's authoritarian political culture. They have strangled the media! wrecked public debate! undermined artistic and intellectual work! and ensured impunity for a long litany of state crimes. They underpin an authoritarian control of thought and expression that is extraordinary in a country that likes to think of itself as a democracy...This book is a brilliant essay on Thailand's legal history based on very detailed research into legislation and case law. In addition! it offers a complex! thoughtful and wide-ranging diagnosis of current discontents. Its rich historical and international perspective should make Thailand's democrats and Democrats pause to wonder where the country is heading." Chris Baker! Bangkok Post! November 2010"David Streckfuss has done a great service to the study of lèse-majesté law and of its role in protecting the political and economic interests of the Thai monarchy. [Truth on Trial in Thailand] is a fine! exhaustively referenced study of the history of lèse-majesté law and of Thailand's defamation laws more generally. It will be an authoritative reference book for a public now very much focused on the problem that lèse-majesté poses for Thai democracy." Patrick Jory! NM-TLC Reviewer Informationen zum Autor David Streckfuss is Director of the CIEE Research and Development Institute at Khon Kaen University, Thailand Klappentext This book explores the basics of the defamation law as it applies to private-sphere defamation and looks at the peculiar permutations created by the use of public-sphere defamation laws in Thailand, particularly in terms of creating and protecting a nationalist identity. Zusammenfassung This book explores the basics of the defamation law as it applies to private-sphere defamation and looks at the peculiar permutations created by the use of public-sphere defamation laws in Thailand, particularly in terms of creating and protecting a nationalist identity. Inhaltsverzeichnis Introduction: The Defamation Dilemma of Thailand 1. The Truth Recently Discovered 2. Regimes of Truth, Regimes of Defamation 3. Truth and Treason in Old Siam 4. Chronology of Thai Defamation-Based Laws 5. Normalizing "Abnormal Times" and the Endless State Of Exception 6. Intent and Import 7. The Insulted and Defamed (The Individual to the Nation) 8. The Insulted and Defamed (Monarchy and Lèse-Majesté) 9. The People 10. Culture and Traitor 11. Thai-ification And Colonisation 12. Defamation and Truth 13. Conclusion Appendix Thai Defamation-Based Laws, 1900 to Present ...

David Streckfuss is Director of the CIEE Research and Development Institute at Khon Kaen University, Thailand

This book explores the basics of the defamation law as it applies to private-sphere defamation and looks at the peculiar permutations created by the use of public-sphere defamation laws in Thailand, particularly in terms of creating and protecting a nationalist identity.

Introduction: The Defamation Dilemma of Thailand 1. The Truth Recently Discovered 2. Regimes of Truth, Regimes of Defamation 3. Truth and Treason in Old Siam 4. Chronology of Thai Defamation-Based Laws 5. Normalizing "Abnormal Times" and the Endless State Of Exception 6. Intent and Import 7. The Insulted and Defamed (The Individual to the Nation) 8. The Insulted and Defamed (Monarchy and Lèse-Majesté) 9. The People 10. Culture and Traitor 11. Thai-ification And Colonisation 12. Defamation and Truth 13. Conclusion Appendix Thai Defamation-Based Laws, 1900 to Present sucht jetzt für Sie die besten Angebote ...


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