

Fester Einband
The Law of the Internet
Internationales Recht
Jonathan Rosenoer
Springer New York
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This book provides a comprehensive guide to the new legal issues which have arisen as a result of the explosive growth of the Internet and the world Wide Web. It covers the following topics in detail: copyright and trademark issues, defamation, privacy, liability, electronic contracts, tax issues, and the ethics of the Internet. As well as discussing the underlying legal principles which have been applied in these areas, the author includes extensive coverage of the pertinent case law and their implications for future legal developments. Also included is a potted history of the significant legal events: from the founding of the Electronic Frontier Foundation through to the 1996 Telecommunications Act.

CyberLaw provides a comprehensive guide to legal issues which have arisen as a result of the growth of the Internet and World Wide Web. As well as discussing each topic in detail, the book includes extensive coverage of the relevant cases and their implications for the future. The book covers a wide range of legal issues, including copyright and trademark issues, defamation, privacy, liability, electronic contracts, taxes, and ethics. A comprehensive history of the significant legal events is also included.

1 Copyright.- A. Exclusive Rights.- B. Subject Matter of Copyright.- C. Formalities.- D. Infringement.- 1. Direct Infringement.- 2. Contributory Infringement.- 3. Vicarious Liability.- E. Sources of Risk.- F. World Wide Web Sites.- G. Hypertext Links.- H. Graphical Elements.- I. E-Mail.- J. Postings.- K. Criminal Liability.- L. Fair Use.- M. First Amendment.- N. Software Rental.- O. Proposals for Change.- Appendix 1 Repair Deemed Unlawful, CyberLaw™ (May 1993).- Free Speech & Toasters, CyberLaw (Oct. 1993).- The End of Fair Use, CyberLaw (Nov. 1993).- Pirates, CyberLaw (April 1994).- Information & Infrastructure, CyberLaw (July 1994).- Apple Loses, CyberLaw (Sept. 1994).- Photocopying Unlawful, CyberLaw (Dec. 1994).- Methods of Operation, CyberLaw (March 1995).- Internet Infringement, CyberLaw (April 1995).- Restraining Access, CyberLaw (June 1995).- Government Recommendations, CyberLaw (Sept. 1995).- Notice of Infringement, CyberLaw (Nov. 1995).- Losing Data, CyberLaw (Jan. 1996).- 2 Trademark.- Appendix 2 Famous Trademarks, CyberLaw (Feb. 1996).- 3 Defamation.- Appendix 3 Libel & Suppression, CyberLaw (Oct. 1994).- Online Defamation, CyberLaw (May 1995).- 4 Privacy.- A. Common Law Privacy.- B. Constitutional Law.- C. Federal Statutes.- 1. Electronic Communications Privacy Act of 1986.- 2. Privacy Protection Act of 1980.- 3. Privacy Act of 1974.- 4. Fair Credit Reporting Act of 1970.- 5. Right to Financial Privacy Act.- 6. Telephone Consumer Protection Act of 1991.- 7. Government E-Mail & Public Records.- 8. Communications Assistance for Law Enforcement.- D. Anonymity.- E. Technology Expanding Privacy Rights.- Appendix 4 Epson & E-Mail, The Legal Side (Nov. 1990).- Privacy [U.S. v. Smith], CyberLaw (Dec. 1992).- E-Mail & Privacy, CyberLaw (Feb. 1993).- Protecting Privacy, CyberLaw (Sept. 1993).- The Privacy Directive, CyberLaw (Aug. 1995).- 5 Duty of Care.- A. Negligence.- B. Negligent Misstatement.- C. Equipment Malfunctions.- D. Economic loss may not be recoverable.- E. Contractual Limitations of Liability.- 6 Criminal Liability.- A. Computer Fraud & Abuse Act.- B. Wire Fraud.- C. Electronic Communications Privacy Act.- D. Extortion & Threats.- E. Exports.- F. Sexual Exploitation of Children.- G. Obscene & Indecent Transmission.- 1. Obscenity.- 2. Indecency.- H. Obscene & Indecent Telephone Calls.- I. Copyright.- J. State Computer Crime Laws.- K. Stalking.- Appendix 6 The Internet Worm, The Legal Side (Aug. 1991).- Digital Telephony, CyberLaw (May 1992).- Search & Seizure, CyberLaw (April 1993).- Copyright & Property, CyberLaw (Jan. 1995).- True Threats, CyberLaw (July 1995).- Cryptography & Speech, CyberLaw (Oct. 1995).- Indecent Communication, CyberLaw (Dec. 1995).- 7 Procedural Issues.- A. Jurisdiction.- B. Venue.- C. Conflicts of Law.- 1. Torts.- 2. Contracts.- 8 Electronic Contracts & Digital Signatures.- A. Are Electronic Agreements Enforceable?.- B. Public Key Encryption & Digital Signatures.- 1. Utah Digital Signature Act.- 2. California.- 3. Proposed Encrypted Communications Privacy Act of 1996.- Appendix 8 Electronic Commerce, CyberLaw (Jan. 1994).- 9 Misappropriation of Information.- 10 Civil Rights.- 11 Tax.- 12 Evidence.- 13 Ethics.- Appendix 13 Revlon v. Logisticon, The Legal Side (Dec. 1990).- 14 A Context: Legal Developments, Late 1990 to Early 1996.- 15 Glossary.- 16 Recommended Reading.- Cases. sucht jetzt für Sie die besten Angebote ...


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