The Battle of Agincourt: Sources and Interpretations

The Battle of Agincourt: Sources and Interpretations

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Warfare in History Vol.10
Anne Curry
Boydell & Brewer
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Part of the "Warfare in History: Sources and Interpretations" series, this book brings together English and French narrative accounts and literary works of the fifteenth century. It also traces the treatment of the battle in sixteenth-century English histories and in the literary representations of, amongst others, Shakespeare and Drayton.

Anne Curry

Twenty-six chronicle sources, English and French.Accounts from six sixteenth-century English historians.Twenty-one records of contemporary reception of the battle, and the development of the literary tradition, in England and France.Summaries of interpretations from the eighteenth to the twentieth centuries.Excerpts from eighteen administrative records relating to the English and French armies.

Part 1 Fifteenth-century chronicle sources: chronicles written in England - the "Gesta Henrici Quinti" (c. 1417, Latin), Thomas Elmham, "Liber Metricus de Henrico Quinto" (Metrical Life of Henry V), (c. 1418, Latin), Thomas Walsingham, "St Albans Chronicle" (c. 1420-22, Latin), Tito Livio Frulovisi, "Vita Henrici Quinti (c. 1438, Latin, Pseudo Elmham, "Vita et Gesta Henrici Quinti" (c. 1446-53, Latin), John Capgrave, "De Illustribus Henricis (c. 1446-53, Latin), John Hardyng, "Chronicle" (1457, 1464, Middle English and Latin), the Chronicle of Peter Basset (1449, French), the "Brut" (1430, 1436-37, 1460-70, Middle English), the London Chronicles (later 15th century, Middle English; chronicles written in France - The Religieux (Monk) of Saint-Denis, "Histoire de Charles VI" (c. 1415-22, Latin), "Geste de nobles francois" (?late 1420s, French), Pierre Cochon, "Chronique normande" (?early 1430s, French), "Chronique anonyme du reigne de Chales VI (?early 1430s, French), "Memoires de Pierre de Fenin" (?1430s, French), "Chronique de Perceval de Cagny" (late 1430s, French), "Chronique de Ruisseauville" (?1420s-1430s, French), Jean Juvenal des Ursins, "Histoire de Charles VI, roy de France" (1430-1440s, French), Enguerran Monstrelet, Jean Waurin and Jean Le Fevre (1444-1460s), Edmond de Dynter, "Chronique des ducs de Brabant" (?early to mid-1440s, Latin), "Journal d'un bourgeois de Paris" (?1449, French), Le Heraut Berry (the Berry Herald) (?1450s, French, "Chronique d'Arthur de Richemont" (1458-mid-1460s, French), "Chronique de Normandie " (1460s, French), Thomas Basin, "Histoire de Charles VII (1471-72, Latin), "Chronique d'Antonio Morosini" )?1430s, Italian. Part 2 Sixteenth-century historians in England: "The First English Life of Henry the Fifth" (1513, English); Robert Fabyan, "The New Chronicles of England and France" (1516, English); Polydore Vergil, "Anglica Historia" (1513, published 1534, Latin); Edward Hall, "The Union of the Two Illustre families of Lancaster and York" (1542, English); John Stow, "The Chronicles of England" (1592, 1601, English); Raphael Holinshed, "Holinshed's Chronicles of England, Scotland and Ireland" (1586-87, English). Part 3 The contemporary reception of the battle and development of the literary tradition: England; France. Part 4 Interpretations from the 18th to the 20th century. Part 5 Administartive records: The English army; the French army.(Part contents). sucht jetzt für Sie die besten Angebote ...


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