

Poche format B
Musik, Film & Theater
Robert; Hollander, Jean Dante; Hollander
Random House N.Y.
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Zusatztext The most accessible and the closest to the Italianwith ample commentary easily and unobtrusively available at the end of each Canto.Tim Parks! The New Yorker The Hollandersact as latter-day Virgils! guiding us through the Italian text that is printed on the facing page. The Economist Probably the most finely accomplished and may well prove the most enduring. The annotationis crowded with useful insights and bits of information and keeps us abreast of scholarly opinion across the ages.R.W.B. Lewis! Los Angeles Times Book Review Informationen zum Autor ROBERT HOLLANDER taught Dante's Divine Comedy to Princeton students for forty-two years, and is the author of a dozen books and more than seventy articles on Dante, Boccaccio, and other Italian authors. He is Professor in European Literature Emeritus at Princeton and the founding director of both the Dartmouth Dante Project and the Princeton Dante Project. He has received many awards, including the gold medal of the city of Florence and the gold florin of the Dante Society of America, in recognition of his work on Dante. JEAN HOLLANDER has taught literature and writing at Brooklyn College, Columbia University, Princeton University, and the College of New Jersey, where she was director of the Writers' Conference for twenty-three years. Klappentext The epic grandeur of Dante's masterpiece has inspired readers for 700 years! and has entered the human imagination. But the further we move from the late medieval world of Dante! the more a rich understanding and enjoyment of the poem depends on knowledgeable guidance. Robert Hollander! a renowned scholar and master teacher of Dante! and Jean Hollander! an accomplished poet! have written a beautifully accurate and clear verse translation of the first volume of Dante's epic poem! the Divine Comedy. Featuring the original Italian text opposite the translation! this edition also offers an extensive and accessible introduction and generous commentaries that draw on centuries of scholarship as well as Robert Hollander's own decades of teaching and research. The Hollander translation is the new standard in English of this essential work of world literature. INFERNO I OUTLINE 19 Dante, having lost his way, in a dark wood 1021hint of dawn: the sun on a mountaintop 2227simile: survivor of shipwreck looking back at sea 2836journey resumed; ascending the slope; a leopard 3743dawn and reassurance 4454a lion renews his fear; a she-wolf drives him back 5560simile: merchant (or gambler?) losing everything 6166apparition (of Virgil) and Dante's first words 6775Virgil identifies himself 7678his pointed question to Dante 7990Dante's recognition, praise of Virgil; plea for aid 91100Virgil's warning: power of the she-wolf 101111Virgil's prophecy of the hound that will defeat her 112120Virgil will guide Dante through two realms to a third 121129Virgil: a second guide will take him to those in bliss, since he is not allowed into that realm 130135Dante agrees to be led through the first two realms 136the two set out Inferno I Nel mezzo del cammin di nostra vita mi ritrovai per una selva oscura, 3ché la diritta via era smarrita. Ahi quanto a dir qual era è cosa dura esta selva selvaggia e aspra e forte 6che nel pensier rinova la paura! Tant' è amara che poco è più morte; ma per trattar del ben ch'i' vi trovai, 9dirò de l'altre cose ch'i' v'ho scorte. Io non so ben ridir com' i' v'intrai, tant' era pien di sonno a quel punto 12che la verace via abbandonai. Ma poi ch'i' fui al piè d'un colle giunto, là dove terminava quella valle 15che m'avea di paura il cor compunto, guardai in alto e vidi le sue spalle vestite già de' raggi del pianeta 18che mena dritto altrui per ogne calle. Allor fu la paura un poco queta, che nel lago del cor m'era durata 21la notte ch'i' passai con tanta pieta. E ...

#8220;The most accessible and the closest to the Italian…with ample commentary easily and unobtrusively available at the end of each Canto.”–Tim Parks, The New Yorker

“The Hollanders…act as latter-day Virgils, guiding us through the Italian text that is printed on the facing page.”–The Economist

“Probably the most finely accomplished and may well prove the most enduring…. The annotation…is crowded with useful insights and bits of information and keeps us abreast of scholarly opinion across the ages.”–R.W.B. Lewis, Los Angeles Times Book Review

ROBERT HOLLANDER taught Dante’s Divine Comedy to Princeton students for forty-two years, and is the author of a dozen books and more than seventy articles on Dante, Boccaccio, and other Italian authors. He is Professor in European Literature Emeritus at Princeton and the founding director of both the Dartmouth Dante Project and the Princeton Dante Project. He has received many awards, including the gold medal of the city of Florence and the gold florin of the Dante Society of America, in recognition of his work on Dante. JEAN HOLLANDER has taught literature and writing at Brooklyn College, Columbia University, Princeton University, and the College of New Jersey, where she was director of the Writers’ Conference for twenty-three years.

The epic grandeur of Dante's masterpiece has inspired readers for 700 years, and has entered the human imagination. But the further we move from the late medieval world of Dante, the more a rich understanding and enjoyment of the poem depends on knowledgeable guidance. Robert Hollander, a renowned scholar and master teacher of Dante, and Jean Hollander, an accomplished poet, have written a beautifully accurate and clear verse translation of the first volume of Dante's epic poem, the Divine Comedy. Featuring the original Italian text opposite the translation, this edition also offers an extensive and accessible introduction and generous commentaries that draw on centuries of scholarship as well as Robert Hollander's own decades of teaching and research. The Hollander translation is the new standard in English of this essential work of world literature.

“Probably the most finely accomplished and ... most enduring" translation (Los Angeles Times Book Review) of this essential work of world literaturefrom a renowned scholar and master teacher of Dante and an accomplished poet.

“The Hollanders … act as latter-day Virgils, guiding us through the Italian text that is printed on the facing page.” —The Economist

The epic grandeur of Dante’s masterpiece has inspired readers for 700 years, and has entered the human imagination. But the further we move from the late medieval world of Dante, the more a rich understanding and enjoyment of the poem depends on knowledgeable guidance. Robert Hollander and Jean Hollander have written a beautifully accurate and clear verse translation of the first volume of Dante’s epic poem, the Divine Comedy. Featuring the original Italian text opposite the translation, this edition also offers an extensive and accessible introduction and generous commentaries that draw on centuries of scholarship as well as Robert Hollander’s own decades of teaching and research. The Hollander translation is the new standard in English of this essential work.

INFERNO I OUTLINE 1–9 Dante, having lost his way, in a dark wood 10–21hint of dawn: the sun on a mountaintop 22–27simile: survivor of shipwreck looking back at sea 28–36journey resumed; ascending the slope; a leopard 37–43dawn and reassurance 44–54a lion renews his fear; a she-wolf drives him back 55–60simile: merchant (or gambler?) losing everything 61–66apparition (of Virgil) and Dante’s first words … sucht jetzt für Sie die besten Angebote ...


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