George Lansbury

George Lansbury

Fester Einband
At the Heart of Old Labour
Sozialwissenschaften allgemein
John Shepherd
Oxford Academic
Anzahl Seiten:

This biography of George Lansbury reconstructs the life of a charismatic Labour pioneer whose principled approach to public life made him 'the most lovable figure in modern politics.'

Shepherd writes accessibly, his documentation is full and impressive, and he sketches in the background to each issue with fine judgement. Lansbury is always put in context, yet the life is never in danger of being swamped by the time.

Rising from humble working-class beginnings to lead the Labour party during the Depression years of the 1930s, George Lansbury was an extraordinary politician of the people. Associated throughout his life with a multitude of crusades for social justice, he never sought personal wealth, travelled everywhere by public transport, and made his home in the impoverished East End of London. He fought for women's rights, went willingly to prison in support of the 'Poplar Rates Revolt', and spent his final years in a tireless international peace crusade to prevent world war. This major new biography reconstructs the life of a charismatic Labour pioneer whose principled approach to public life made him 'the most lovable figure in modern politics.'

'The most lovable figure in modern politics' was how A.J.P Taylor described the Christian pacifist, George Lansbury. At 73 he took over the helm of the Labour Party of only 46 MPs in the Depression years of the 1930s. Throughout a remarkable life, Lansbury remained an extraordinary politician of the people, associated with a multitude of crusades for social justice. He resigned from Parliament to support 'Votes for Women', and for the next ten years edited the fiery Daily Herald. In 1921 Lansbury led the 'Poplar Rates Rebellion' - when thirty Labour councillors went willingly to prison in defiance of the government, the courts and their own party leadership. As Labour leader, Lansbury was known universally as a committed socialist an implacable opponent of capitalism and imperialism. He never sought personal wealth, travelled everywhere by public transport, and made his home in impoverished East London. His final years were spent in a tireless international peace crusade to prevent the drift towards another world war. In this major new biography, John Shepherd draws on an impressive range of research to reconstruct the life of a charismatic Labour pioneer. He reaffirms George Lansbury's standing at the heart of Old Labour and his importance to British politics as a whole. sucht jetzt für Sie die besten Angebote ...


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